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NonViolent Communication invites us to face life with honesty and compassion, inviting interpersonal harmony and connection between people through a needs centered language of the heart


What is NVC?


JOIN us as  we gather new and old friends to dive deep into the learning of

Nonviolent Communication with a variety of trainers from around the globe, continuing to build an inclusive learning community for mutual support and in depth practice of this path.

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Special for this festival

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Special for this Festival: Working Through Polarization: Master Workshops

Sadly, these days some topics are really driving us apart.


When it comes to Politics, Vaccines, Social distancing, Racism (more examples come to mind), our core values are immediately touched, and It can be extremely challenging and explosive to speak with our closest ones or others.


How do we do this? Can we stay authentic and connected to our inner needs and voices while being in the presence of, and holding conversations with people who see things very (very!!) differently than us?

We are so happy to take part in sharing what NVC has to offer as support here.

In the  2021 NVC Rising  festival will be  hosting Master Workshops on current such polarizing struggles.  

Gaining tools and looking closely at what NVC has to offer on

“Working Through Polarization”

 Join us and build up skills  for yourself that you can later take home and  share with your local community. 


We will explore in general  how to hold this challenge, as well as dive into live examples in a variety of topics that tear us apart in these challenging times:

List of Master Workshops will be posted in our full Festival Schedule soon.

See the full festival program



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and learn more about scholarships and how you can support.

If you would like to attend and need assistance to be able to use the technology, please contact us to explore options for support.

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A variety of additional creative spaces to engage and connect in:

24 hour Empathy Cafe and themed Sharing Circles to dive deep into small group connection

Working through polarization

As often happens under pressure, the world seems more and more divided these days. How do we stay centered and connected as we deal with increasing polarization? How do we engage in different spaces in our lives with people with opposite views? In this festival we invite you to a series of master classes on bridging the gaps with compassion and authenticity.

Honoring Our Pain: Global Mourning Ceremony

followed by 5Rhythms Dance to bounce back into our center

What is the Mourning Ceremony? An invitation to collectively connect with our grief, fear, anger, or emptiness from the pain we see in ourselves and in the world. Grieve our losses together, and find renewed hope and strength in our common humanity, and a renewed commitment to preserve this home we share.


The Ceremony will be followed by a facilitated 5Rhythms Dance and small group sharing to process and land back softly into our center. 


5Rhythms DANCE is a dynamic movement meditation, a medicine for the body and  a practice of being in your body that ignites creativity, connection, and community.  Dancing the wave of 5 rhythmic sounds invites you to relax into the authentic movement and expression of your body as you are guided through the inspired states of Flow, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness.


What's included


Over 30 live interactive NVC workshops with incredible NVC trainers from all over the world 

Beginner level all the way to “Nourish the trainer sessions”


Suitable for ALL time Zones

Arabic, Russian, German and Japanese translation available

Meet old and new NVC friends from all continents

Majority of sessions will be recorded + available for 1 year

Small group practice to nurture deep connections between participants  

The Activism Hub-get inspired!

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In order to allow a  more continuous learning journey and integration some trainers will teach several workshops 



Activism HuB Speakers



participants from previous festivals


”I am very grateful for this opportunity that brought me learning, shifts, expanded awareness and consciousness and most of all - opportunity to experience how the world can be - there's hope for us and this world.

I hope it was one of many."


festival SPACES


click on the icons to read more


Community and full expression

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direct action

NVC practice

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Networking & Exchange

Self care

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About us


More about who we are and this Festival’s intention

We are a group of NVC Activists from around the world whose lives were utterly changed by NVC in the context of Palestine/Israel. Now our team is growing into a global collaborative circle of NVC practitioners who are working together to make the path of NVC more and more inclusive and widespread.

In our team, we do our best to make our decisions, handle our conflicts, and invest in our relationships using NVC tools.

We remember the period in US history of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights movement, when, in response to this, Marshall Rosenberg developed NVC, intending to transform the world into a place where all needs are accounted for.

This work is not done yet.

We create the annual NVC Rising Festivals to fuel and nurture the much-needed compassionate shift we believe NVC was created for.

No one can do this alone and we need each of you reading this and your friends to join, collaborate, and continue to nurture this compassionate revolution.


We are able to learn and practice NVC thanks to Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, Founder of Nonviolent Communication, and to the many teachers who taught us and others around the world who made this path their vocation! Much love and gratitude!

And another huge plus - Projects we nurture together

10% of all NVC Rising projects’ profit go back to supporting exciting NVC projects around the world. Learn more about how you can apply, the projects we support, and about how the decision process works here.

In the 1 year since the initiation of the NVC Rising Festivals and movement we were able to give 10 grants to local NVC Projects around the world. Please buy your ticket today, invite a friend to join, and in addition to your wonderful experience you will also enable us to collectively support these amazing people reaching out with more and more NVC to people all around the world.


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