To enhance and grow movement, networking, and connection in the NVC community.
To bring more inclusivity, both in who is invited and able to participate and in the nature of the discourse.
To draw more and more organisations, people from all walks of life and energy, into this movement.
To place growing, significant emphasis on the potential of NVC and social change action.
It’s time for change. The recent Pandemic and social, political, and economic havoc have only emphasised that change is called for, deeply needed, and also possible.
This is an urgent summons for our creativity, innovation, and deep mutual support in shifting from a power-over system to a life-supporting power-with system, a paradigm that takes into account the needs of living beings, including Mother Earth’s resources.
NVC is a powerful change-making tool and we wish to share it with as many communities around the world as possible, to support potential transformation on Earth at this moment in time.
NVC also supports successful long term collaboration to be fruitful and sustainable. This has been our experience as activists and entrepreneurs who have all been practicing NVC for an extensive period of time within our team. This is also backed by science.
Now more than ever, we yearn for humanity to be able to lead, mobilize, and self-organize, constructively, rapidly, and with deep care, towards the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible: a safe, abundant, and flourishing global community on earth.[
we invite a strong shift in the NVC global community itself towards civil and political direct action.
These two steps could shift and enrich the worldwide field of social change, in providing and using empathic tools for those who wish to serve humanity through needs-informed perspectives.
A popular widely used platform where people can come together to be mutually empowered, and develop a variety of life serving systems, creative interventions, and actions to support life on earth at this moment in time, using the language, tools, and teachings of NVC.
Our platform may offer opportunities to learn and practice NVC, however the long term focus of this endeavour is to engage directly with the wider global society, as well as to support the enhancement and growth of the NVC community and movement.
In this platform we hope to be initiating some projects as well as supporting other initiatives in a variety of ways:
Supporting direct implementation of NVC skills and awareness towards creating a life-nourishing human society.
An expansive network of mutual deep listening and support, together with mutual empowerment on levels of the heart and action.
Supporting existing projects with NVC tools and empowering more projects to arise with NVC organizational practices.
We see this platform as a co-created garden, fertile ground, and a catalyst for change-making and change-makers, evolving a life-nourishing, heart-connecting, mutually supportive “fascia” of the society.
Who are we ?
We are a grassroots circle of NVC practitioners, organizers, activists and trainers, aiming to weave further and deeper aspects of social and political activism, together with the wisdom, spirits and tools of Nonviolent Communication. Working towards having the NVC global teachings accessible for as many local communities around the world as possible.
A little more about our shared story, and us as the founding team:
Starting in 2010 we met in “Ecome” a peace and Ecology center next to the dead sea and Jericho, West Bank, a center for Palestinians and Israelis to practice living in community, to gather, to develop projects and to learn together.
This is where we met NVC for the first time in for real. We hold on gratitude the many teachers who came year by year to teach us and many more people there. Our lives have been shaped and gifted by their efforts.
Since discovering NVC in “EcoME” 2010 we came to initiate various peace projects around the middle east and organize numerous NVC trainings.
As Grassroots activists within the context of Israel Palestine we found it extremely enabling to effectively and sustainably work together under the most these circumstances, when the whole working community are well versed in the language of NVC. It is our experience that the mix of NVC and local leadership/community building and change making initiatives, has great potential. This is the core of our initiative.
Support us in making this sustainable and hence future festivals possible!
Do you have any questions or want to know more? Contact us!